- SomeDependentType added for working with option types.
- Deprecate someValue, forceValue, and isSome.
- Helpers.isSome and Helpers.forceValue for working with DependentType option
- more efficient option type lift
- breaking changes:
- module DependentTypes.DependentTypes renamed DependentTypes.Helpers
- PiType renamed to Pi
- SigmaType renamed to Sigma
- breaking change
- DependentType supports any 'T2 type (not just option)
- DependentPair type
- support SourceLink
- FSharp.Core 4.5
- rename Cctor PiType
- add reflexivity tests
- release to net45, net47, netcoreapp2.0, netstandard2.0
- releases include pdb files
- DomainLib renamed
- change namespace to DependentTypes
- standardize on verb "Create" instead of "Parse"
- Create overrides for DependentType